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Learn moreGolden Concord Holdings Limited
GCL New Energy
GCL is an experimenter as one of China's mixed-ownership power companies. It entered the field multi-owned by investment entities and has set a number of industry examples in terms of operational efficiency. In line with the global trend of energy transformation, GCL strives for the paradigm shift of power business from traditional energy to distributed and mobile energy, and for its own transition from a clean energy producer to a clean-energy comprehensive service provider. GCL has the capacity for installing various types of power generators, including environmentally friendly thermal power, gas, photovoltaic, wind power, biomass and waste power generation. The proportion of clean energy installed capacity tops the industry.
GCL Energy Technology Co., Ltd. centers on green energy production, operation and comprehensive energy services. Anchoring at clean energy power generation and cogeneration, GCL-ET has deployed energy storage, energy efficiency management, power distribution and supply, and is trying to forge an integrated "source-grid-supply-use-cloud" system and become a leading energy service provider of data ecology.
The accumulative installed capacity of GCL-ET by now, in operation and under construction, exceeds 4,000 MW (not including the proposed projects), over 90% of which is new clean energy. Its user-side management capacity exceeds 12 million kVA, covering a service area over 6,000 square kilometers.
A subsidiary of GCL (Group) Holdings Co., Ltd., GCL Energy Investment Group is an industry-leading non-public power holding company and a green energy solution provider. Its main business covers high-efficiency and environmentally friendly thermal power, pumped storage and hydropower generation (with a total installed capacity of 10GW under its operation, management or under construction). Meanwhile, it vigorously develops power distribution and supply, and expands its carbon asset management business.
GCL (Group) Holdings Co., Ltd.,
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